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SIGMA Sp. z o.o. implements a project co-founded by the European Funds entitled

„Development of the SIGMA brand through promotion in international markets” (polish

project title „Rozwój marki SIGMA poprzez promocję na rynkach międzynarodowych”)

The aim of the project is to develop the company through export due to its participation in the

Promotion Program for CONSTRUCTION AND FINISHING BUILDING Industry and the promotion

of the Polish Product Brand.

The amount of the funding from the EU: 130 575,00 PLN

The total project amount: 174 100,00 PLN

Pasek UE.png

SIGMA SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ  implements a project co-founded by the European Funds entitled „The development of the SIGMA by through promoting SIGNUM in export markets” (polish project title„Rozwój przedsiębiorstwa SIGMA przez promocję marki SIGNUM na rynkach eksportowych.”).

The aim of the projectis to develop the companythrough export due to itsparticipation in the

Promotion Program for CONSTRUCTION AND FINISHINGBUILDINGIndustry and the promotion

of the Polish Product Brand.

The amount of the funding from the EU: 343 650,00 PLN

The total project amount: 458 200,00 PLN

КРОСНО головний офіс:

вул. компонент 7, 38-400 Кросно

Тел: +48 13 43 213 61
Тел: +48 881 922 700
Факс: 13 43 213 81


Години роботи
Пн-пт: 7:30-17:00, сб: 8:00-14:00


Відділення САНОК:

вул. Пястовська 117, 38-500 Санок

Тел: 13 46 320 88

Тел: +48 881 922 800
Факс: 13 46 314 45


Години роботи:
Пн-пт: 7:30-17:00, сб: 8:00-14:00


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